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Montgomery Village Product Liability Attorney

Products produced for consumer use should be safe. However, sometimes products are faulty and cause accidents leading to injuries. Consumers don’t expect the products they purchase to be faulty. A product liability injury could cause life changing issues. Don’t deal with it alone. A Montgomery Village product liability attorney can add value to your case. The law is also complex. There could be many issues with a product including design issues, manufacturing issues and marketing defects, among others. Regardless of the issue, negligence needs to be proven and the type of injury could determine how much compensation you receive.

Product Liability Issues

Reasons for product liability range from a variety of problems. They could derive from design, manufacturing, and marketing defects.

Design defects are exactly how it sounds; design production went wrong. These specific issues could be some of the most dangerous. This is because design most often involves the outer parts of a product, which is where the consumer touches most. Unlike design defect, manufacturing issues are dangerous as well.

Manufacturing problems can be just as dangerous. This could derive from a wrong nut, bolt or outdated parts. Sometimes a manufacturing issue could be from the products being built or put together incorrectly. Products go through many test before hitting the market so these issues don’t happen. Nonetheless, faulty products still exist. Manufacturing and design problems are just two of the most common product defects.

Labels on products need to be correct. Otherwise, it would be a marketing failure. The proper warning labels or instructions need to be present. You may risk consumers not knowing how to properly use the product, which may cause injuries. If an injury does happen because of design, manufacturing and marketing defects, liability could fall on the maker not the user.

Who is Liable For a Product?

If a product had defects even after it hits the market, liability could fall on a variety of people. Many parties could be involved such as:

  • Product designer
  • Assembler of the product
  • Manufacturers of the different parts of the product
  • Wholesale companies
  • Retailers

Many times more than one of these groups could be involved. Product liability law can be complex. This is why we encourage those who have been injured to contact a Montgomery Village product liability attorney. The insurance company will not go easy on you and in fact the other sides will probably have their own team of lawyers. Even though it may seem obvious who’s at-fault, the other side will defend their story. This is why you will need to not only identify but prove your side.

How to Prove Negligence in a Product Liability Case

No matter the side you are on, you’ll always need proof. It is going to take a little more than just saying you were injured. It’s just how the law works. The evidence is used to prove:

  • The product was defective, and
  • The product was reasonably dangerous as a result of this defect, and
  • The defect existed at the time the product left the seller and the product did not substantially change by the time it was in the plaintiff’s possession, and
  • The plaintiff used the product as it was intended, and
  • The defect directly caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

Proving all five of these facts is important. It could lead you to the maximum compensation. However, all this work along with recovering physically and maybe even mentally is difficult. Nonetheless, a Montgomery Village product liability attorney can handle the work for you. It’s just one of the many benefits of hiring a lawyer.

Hiring a Montgomery Village Product Liability Attorney

Many pieces of evidence could be used to prove your case. Your claim may need witness testimonies, medical documents, the right doctor, pictures, or others. Needless to say, that’s a lot of documentation. Along with focusing on treatment, you may be handling a lot more on your own than with a Montgomery Village product liability attorney. Moreover, the insurance company will try and take advantage of you while you are in a vulnerable stage.

The insurance company is a business too which means that unfortunately they may compensate less to make more money. You need compensation to fund medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering compensation. With the help of an attorney, you can get back what you are entitled to. Contact an attorney soon after you have discovered an injury because the sooner you start your case the better.

The negligent side may have a team of defense lawyers already. Don’t fight these battles alone. Specifically if you hire our Montgomery Village product liability attorney team, we will do the work for you. All you have to do is focus on is getting better.

What to Expect With Our Montgomery Village Product Liability Attorney Team

We want to help you get back to health. We don’t want you to go another day without proper compensation. Our team offers free consultation because we want to hear you out. Here at Malloy Law Offices, LLC we also work on a contingency fee basis, which means there is no fee unless we get you recovery. This is because our team is confident that we can get you the maximum compensation that you’re entitled to. We are just one phone call away: (888) 982-0906 or fill out the form on our website.