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Posted on 07/22/24 by admin in Personal Injury

Heatstroke Prevention, Recognition, and Treatment

Sweltering heat, thick, soupy humidity, and all the associated discomfort and difficulty has descended on our region in recent weeks. This is hardly a new phenomenon for longtime residents of our district. DC’s swampy climate is notorious for hot, sticky summers. Today’s blog post from Malloy Law Offices will explore heatstroke prevention and the dangers…

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Posted on 07/08/24 by admin in Auto Accidents

Uninsured Motorist Accidents and You

Forty-nine out of fifty US States require car insurance. But like any law of the land, there will inevitably be those who, for one reason or another, do not believe that it applies to them. According to the Insurance Information Institute, as many as one in seven drivers on American roads are uninsured. This means…

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Posted on 07/01/24 by admin in Premises Liability

What Should I Do After a Public Pool Accident?

Summer is here in earnest and the heat and humidity has wasted no time in bearing down on our region. The DC area has experienced regular temperatures comfortably exceeding the mid-90s and heading for triple digits Fahrenheit. In times such as these, many of us will decamp to the closest public pool. Our area can…

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