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Silver Spring Rideshare Accident Attorney

The Silver Spring area is home to numerous event spaces. Concerts at the Filmore, special attractions at the AFI Silver, and the weekly farmer’s market draw hundreds of visitors to this trendy commuter town right on the border of Maryland and Washington DC. Understandable concerns about traffic and parking lead many visitors to make use of ridesharing services when traveling to Silver Spring. But this comes with risks of its own. Busy streets and narrow shoulders can make picking up or dropping off passengers hazardous, both for drivers and their passengers. If your or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a rideshare, contact the Silver Spring rideshare accident attorney at Malloy Law Offices, LLC today.

Rideshare services are everywhere nowadays

What Makes Silver Spring a Hazard Area

Silver Spring’s streets are likely most dangerous at the intersection of Colesville Road and the East-West Highway. The presence of the bus depot and Silver Spring metro stop in the same vicinity cause frequent irregular circumstances, making life difficult for both pedestrians and drivers. The East-West Highway connecting Silver Spring to towns like Takoma Park and Bethesda means it’s virtually always busy. But it will be most busy during rush hours (6 AM – 9 AM, 4 PM – 7 PM). The same rules apply to Colesville Road, but Colesville’s traffic flow can throw off inexperienced drivers. Certain lanes can change travel direction at certain times of day. Drivers should pay attention to signs to avoid a potentially catastrophic head-on collision.

How a Silver Spring Rideshare Accident Attorney Can Help

The best advice that can be given to any driver or pedestrian anywhere is to take steps to protect yourself, both legally and physically. Pedestrians should avoid jaywalking and excessive phone use while walking adjacent to busy streets. Drivers should always devote their full attention to the task of driving rather than their phone, radio, or any other distraction. However, even if everyone takes these steps, accidents are still an inevitability. The Silver Spring Rideshare accident attorney at Malloy Law Offices is standing by to help you seek justice for your rideshare-related injury. Further reading about the complications inherent in rideshare accidents can be found here. Call today for your free consultation.