If you have suffered from a premises liability in the DMV area, contact Malloy Law Offices, LLC today!
Property owners and business owners have a special responsibility to the people that come onto the property whether they be customers or visitors or guests. An owner of a property or a business occupying a property has a high standard of care to keep the property safe for the people visiting that business or that property. They have to keep it safe from dangerous conditions and defects, especially dangerous conditions that the patron or the visitor may not understand or be aware of.
Premises liability cases like slip and falls, trip and falls, objects falling, defects and flooring or other types of structures cause serious injuries. We see broken bones, lacerations, disfigurement, head injuries, brain injuries, injuries to the spinal cord. Any injury can happen as a result of a dangerous condition that exists on a premises. Oftentimes these injuries happen because the property owner or the business owner hasn’t kept the premises safe and a patron or customer may not be aware of the dangerous conditions or may not be able to fully comprehend the danger to that.
It’s important to the injury victim to hire a lawyer who understands the unique pitfalls involved in these premises liability cases because there are some added elements that you need to prove a premises liability case. Not enough for you to be injured at a business or premises for you to get a recovery.
Your lawyer has to be skilled in proving that the property owner or business owner knew of the defect or dangerous condition or should’ve known and the law in our jurisdictions, Maryland, The District of Columbia, and Virginia is filled with pitfalls for the unwary injury victim pursuing a claim. At our law firm, we’ve been handling premises liability cases for a very long time. We understand where the battle lines are drawn with the insurance companies and the property owners and we’re ready to fight for you to prove all of the elements in your case you need to prove to make sure that you get the full range of compensation for your injuries.
Business and property owners are liable to any deformity that may cause harm on their premises. Here at our firm, we want to keep our clients safe and make sure that they are aware of those dangers. Additionally, our lawyers believe that our premises liability victims deserve that best possible compensation for their case. If you would like to learn more information, click here to see how our attorneys handle these situations. You can also call Malloy Law Offices, LLC at (888) 607-8690 for a free consultation.