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What Should You Do After Experiencing A Misdiagnosis By A Doctor?

Were you involved in a misdiagnosis by a doctor? Contact Malloy Law Offices, LLC today!

Doctors are trained to handle different medical scenarios. However, every year there are over 3.3 million adults misdiagnosed that ended in life threatening or life altering situations in the United States. This can lead to unnecessary treatment, increased medical cost, emotional stress, and sometimes even death. If a medical professional fails to make an accurate and timely diagnosis of any medical condition, the patient has the right to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

What Are The Common Types Of Misdiagnosis By A Doctor?

While there are numerous of misdiagnosis situations, there are misdiagnosis of health problems that occur more than others:

  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Lymph node
  • Staph infection
  • Stroke

A misdiagnosis can also include:

  • Failure to screen for a specific medical condition
  • Misinterpretation of lab results
  • Failure to properly follow up and investigate potential causes and symptoms

What Should You Know When Filing A Claim For A Misdiagnosis By A Doctor?

When filing for a lawsuit over a misdiagnosis, the victim needs to follow the same steps to provide proof just like an any other medical malpractice claim. This typically means that the doctor failed to demonstrate the level of skill that a similar and experienced doctor would have shown under the circumstances. In addition, there should also be treatment detail such as what should have been done and what was actually done. Lastly, you should also show that the doctor’s provision of sub-standard care led to harm.

In many cases, only the primary physician or doctor can be sued for misdiagnosis. In some cases, other health care professionals may also be liable if their careless acts caused or contributed to the patient’s harm. These other health care professionals includes nurses, lab techs, and any specialists who have had contact with the patient. The hospital or health care facility where the doctor practices generally cannot be sued for harm caused by misdiagnosis. This is because most doctors are independent contractors, not employees of the hospital.

Contact Our Medical Malpractice Attorney Today!

Here at Malloy Law Offices, LLC, we understand the frustration our clients go through when these unexpected events occur. Let us do what’s right and start your case as soon as possible. If you would like to see how our attorneys handle these scenarios, click here to view more. Call (888) 607-8690 for a free consultation.