No one’s ever ready for a slip and fall accident. However, these types of incidents are more frequent than what you imagine. Unfortunately, according to the National Safety Council (NSC), slip and fall accidents are the third most common cause of unintentional injuries. A Slip and fall accident might happen at another property owner’s premises, on the street, and others. Whatever the scenario is, a Montgomery Village Slip and Fall Lawyer will help you bounce back. Continue reading for more information on how the process at Malloy Law Offices, LLC works.
After a slip and fall accident occurs, there are some things that you need to prove, regarding carelessness; in order to pursue a slip and fall case. The property owner might not always seem guilty or negligent, but we will need to gather enough evidence in order to determine whether you have a case or not. Moreover, the emotional and/or physical disorder that you might be facing as a result of a slip and fall accident, will blur your sense of judgement, when making the right decision while handling your case by yourself. If you or a loved one want to pursue a case, schedule a free consultation to talk about your case with our Montgomery Village slip and fall lawyer.
Slip and falls happen on someone else’s dangerous property. Some of the possible hazardous conditions include:
A slip and fall accident might generate different types of injuries. Regardless of the incident, a Montgomery Village slip and fall lawyer will help you recover quickly. Here is a list of some of the most common injuries after a slip and fall accident.
A slip and fall liability case could be considered “prima face”, but does this exactly mean? Simply put, the plaintiff (victim of the injury) must prove that the property owner did not provide enough care in one of both, maintaining or repairing the premises’ conditions, or did not warn the other party about the danger of the premises. Moreover, the negligent or liable party is not liable for any damages, until there is a valid reason that proves him or her wrong. If you want to get the maximum compensation possible for your case, it is critically important to seek legal representation from a Montgomery Village slip and fall accident lawyer.
Do I want to get the compensation that I’m entitled to? Do I want to recover what was lost? If these answers are both YES, then you might want to consider hiring a Montgomery Village slip and fall lawyer to handle your slip and fall accident case. Before pursuing a slip and fall accident case, here at Malloy Law Offices, LLC, we encourage you to ask yourself these questions:
If you already know the answers to those questions, contact our office and get in touch with our Montgomery Village slip and fall lawyer, right away. Here at Malloy Law Offices, LLC we care about our clients, and we will make you our number one priority during the entire time, and we will make sure to make things crystal clear, so you are familiar with the whole process since day 1.
If you suffer a slip and fall accident, the first thing you need to do is to get medical attention. There might be some hidden injuries that only a medical doctor will be able to determine. After that, seek for legal representation, immediately. Remember, the sooner you start a claim, the better the chances to get the maximum compensation possible. Our Montgomery Village slip and fall accident lawyer works on a contingency-fee base, which means that you pay $0 out of pocket, and you will see no fees, unless we win your case. Contact our office today: (888) 982-0906.