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Clinton Lawyer Helping Victims Recover Compensation in Product Liability Cases

No one should have to wonder whether or not the products they purchase are safe to use. But unfortunately, many of the products that are sold by retailers across the country contain dangerous defects. Using a defective product could lead to a wide range of injuries with long-term consequences.

If you have been injured due to a product defect, contact the Clinton product liability attorneys at Malloy Law Offices, LLC as soon as possible. Let us aggressively pursue the compensation you are entitled to for your defective product injuries.

What Are the Three Types of Product Defects?

A product is not defective simply because it doesn’t work the way you expected it to work. By law, there are only three ways that a product can be defective, which are:

  • Design: A product’s design is defective if one of its design characteristics makes the product unsafe for its intended use. For example, a ladder that is designed to collapse whenever weight is applied to the steps has a design defect. This defective ladder is not safe to use for its intended purpose.
  • Manufacturing: A manufacturing defect exists when an error is made during the manufacturing or assembling process that makes the product unsafe for its intended use. If the product had been manufactured or assembled properly, the defect would not exist.
  • Marketing: A marketing defect, also known as a failure to warn defect, exists when the proper warning labels or instructions are not added to the product’s packaging. For example, if a hair dryer is sold without a warning label that tells consumers to avoid using the product while bathing, this would be considered a marketing defect.

Who Can I Sue For Defective Product Injuries in Clinton?

One or more of the parties in the distribution chain of a product can be held liable when someone is injured as a result of a product defect. This includes the product’s designer, manufacturer, wholesaler, middleman, and retailer.

Most designers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers are large corporations that hire a team of attorneys to defend them in product liability cases. This is one of the many reasons why you shouldn’t try to handle this type of case without help from the Clinton product liability attorneys at Malloy Law Offices, LLC.

What Do I Need to Prove to Recover Compensation In A Product Liability Case?

The elements that need to be proven will depend on which type of product liability claim you choose to file. If you file a strict liability claim, there’s no need to prove that the defect was created as a result of the defendant’s negligence. Instead, you must prove:

  • The product contained an unreasonably dangerous defect when it was designed, manufactured, or sold to you.
  • The product did not undergo any significant changes between the time it left the seller and the time it reached you.
  • You were injured as a result of the defect while using the product the way it was intended to be used.

The vast majority of product liability claims are strict liability claims. But you also have the option of filing a product liability claim based on negligence. If you choose this option, you must prove that the defect was created due to the negligence of one of the parties in the distribution chain. It is much harder to win a negligence case since more evidence is needed to prove liability.

How Can A Product Liability Attorney Help Me Recover Compensation?

Product liability is a complex area of personal injury law. The evidence that is used in these cases is usually highly technical and complicated, so representing yourself is not a good option. The product liability lawyers at Malloy Law Offices, LLC have the experience, resources, and skills to recover compensation for our clients in the most complex defective product cases. We will use every tool at our disposal—including consulting with expert witnesses—to build a strong case and help you win the compensation you deserve.

Arrange Your No-Cost, No-Obligation Consultation With Our Clinton Product Liability Lawyers Today

Far too many consumers are injured by products with dangerous defects. If you are a victim, seek legal representation from the experienced Clinton product liability attorneys at Malloy Law Offices, LLC right away. Our Clinton personal injury attorneys have worked tirelessly to help the injured secure compensation for over 15 years. Let us fight to maximize compensation for your defective product injuries. To schedule a free consultation, call 301-664-1775 or submit your information using the form on this website.